Reimbursements for Person Not Employee or Student

Paying Reimbursements Process

If paying for labor or hours, the individual must register and submit an invoice.  This is for reimbursements only.


Steps to Submit

  • Select CONCUR Invoice module.
  • Create a New Invoice.
  • Search and select the supplier code that matches the invoice remittance address and complete the following steps.
    • If they are not in the system, choose the new vendor temporary template by typing "new vendor" in the vendor name search box and clicking the search icon.  Open the template and complete the following steps.
  • Enter the appropriate mandatory and optional fields. Choose invoice type of Non-employee reimbursement. Invoice naming convention is first and last initials of the person, date (6 digit format) and RE at the end. RW021722RE
  • Itemize the invoice ensuring the correct expense type and/or award, org type are selected and all other appropriate fields are populated.
  • Distribute the expense by either percentage or amount.
  • Upload the properly prepared invoice image and supporting documentation - receipts, a memo indicating what the payment is for, and an email from the person with the address where they want the check to go.  To receive payments via direct deposit, the banking portion of the Supplier Registration Form must be completed and signed with a certified digital or pen to paper signature.
  • Address any existing exceptions.
    • Only, if using the new vendor temporary template you should un-assign the request so the vendor can be set up, then it will be returned to you.
  • Submit invoice request to requisite approver(s).
  • Please refer to the GWU Travel & Expense Policy for reimbursements related to GWU & MFA.